quarta-feira, 28 de abril de 2010

Robot como empregado de mesa num restaurante

O restaurante fica em banguecoque, chama-se Hajime Restaurant e seria um restaurante como outro qualquer, não fossem os empregados serem robôs vestidos de samurais. Servem sushi, arranjam as mesas e animam as hostes dançando para os clientes.
 "Robôs a servirem sushi estão a atrair clientes para o restaurante japonês Hajime, em Banguecoque, na Tailândia. As máquinas, fabricadas no Japão, substituem os empregados de mesa.

Esta foi a forma sui generis encontrada pela proprietária do Hajime, Lapassarad Thanaphant, para logo à primeira transformar o restaurante num negócio de sucesso. E, claro, poupar nas despesas com salários e segurança social.

Para já, os robôs-samurais têm a tarefa de servir sushi aos clientes, arranjar e levantar as mesas, e, ainda, dar uns passos de dança ao som de música oriental e ocidental.

Aos clientes, basta fazerem os pedidos num touchscreen. Tão simples quanto isso.

Lapassarad, que gastou cerca de 930 mil dólares para montar o restaurante, não sabe que outras funções os seus robôs serão capazes de executar. Mas se depender da sua vontade as máquinas não vão ficar-se por aqui.
Fonte: Expresso"

73 comentários:

  1. Empenho na apresentação oral de inglês, I wonder why... xD
    Nuggy (afinal ainda comento xD)

  2. boas influencias de uma certa pessoa :)
    que diga-se que NAO é chata mas manipula-me de modo a que eu me sinta obrigado a fazer estas coisas xD

  3. Pois é, e pode-se dizer que são grandes feitos, as coisas que eu consigo :b
    E tu usas e abusar dum certo facto, eii btw, eu devia estar chateada!

  4. oh oh tu nao consegues ficar chateada comigo :P
    alem disso toda a gente sabe q o filipe é mentiroso :obvious:

    btw, se ele amanha te dizer alguma coisa nao acredites! ele com a pressa de apanhar o comboio deve ter percebido mal uma frase que eu disse xD

  5. abusas*

    Eii eu nao acredito, duas num dia?!
    Ok, hoje vais ter que pensar assim numa desculpa muito boaa, se não tás mesmo tramado xD

  6. --´

    i blame Filipe!!
    e diga-se que estou a ser incriminado...

    also, nuggyyy you´re my sunshine xD

    *já tou a ficar sem ideias -.-

  7. "also, nuggyyy you´re my sunshine xD" - 20% less mad xD
    Yeah, incriminado, c'mon you can do better than that xD

  8. portanto, since you can´t be mad at me(aposto que já te arrependeste de teres dito isto xD)

    if you're 20% less mad, it means that you're indeed at least 20% happy xD

  9. Completamente, confissões desse género contigo, nunca mais xD

    Ok, happy não foi mesmo o melhor antónimo xD.
    Alright, i'm not mad, never was, never will be (or maybe i will, hold on to the idea that i CAN be mad at you!)xD

  10. ohh nunca mais is a long time :|

    but from now on i'll never give you a reason to be mad at me :)

    (damn, i should be sleeping by now, blame breaking bad xD)

  11. oh, não faças (mais) promessas que à partida já sabes que não vais conseguir cumprir xD

    Acho que vou agora ver o primeiro ep, ver se vale a pena :P

  12. isso, confiança na minha pessoa acima de tudo xD

  13. lately you're giving me no reason to trust you :P
    (há que te mandar a baixo para ver se tu começas a controlar-te mesmo! xD)

  14. i assure you, by the end of next week you shall trust me completely xD

  15. Começas-te bem com o control ali com o nuno, niice :P
    Não custa nada, pois não? xD

  16. por ti nao custa nada :)
    agora se fosse por outra pessoa a minha resposta lá teria sido bastante diferente xD

  17. I'm such a good influence on you :)
    and now that you said that you liked being influenced by me, you won't get rid of me xD

  18. oh yeah you should :P
    You're influenced by me, you can't get mad at me, you're not mean to me, começam a ser muitas coisas :P
    I have to abuse of such facts xD

  19. you wouldnt be capable of using all those facts against me xD

    ermm would you? :medo:

  20. also i would never want to get rid of you :P

  21. me? nooo! :)
    i'm so kind with you, how could you get mad at me? you couldn't :p
    Never? as you said, never is a long time... are you sure you can't handle me that long?
    ass: a tua tampa de B! limonada :D

  22. ohhh i'm pretty sure i could handle you as long as you want :) after all you are my tampinha xD

  23. ohh, with this and the msn chat, i really get all 'babada' and don't quite know what to say :$
    this robot post, really is great xD

  24. all babada :) i think thats a good thing right?

    the comments are much better than the post itself xD

  25. it really is a good thing, great actually :b

    só pq são meus e teus xD

  26. then my main objectives are gonna be making you all 'babada' and to put lots of 'stupid smiles' in that pretty face of yours :P

  27. you have no difficulties doing that :P
    tal como nao tens dificuldades em mandar bocas à d.palmira --'
    "in that pretty face of yours :P" :$ :$

  28. --'
    maldito o dia em que soube o nome da senhora -.-

    btw nuggy, today i just realized that the most difficult thing to do in this world is saying goodbye to you...

  29. um dia já passou, only one more to go xD

    and, as i don't know what to say... amanhã é mesmo pra estudar história! xD

    (este post, tem oficialmente, o dobro dos comments do da katyzinha e o 316 xD)

  30. ohhh i can feel a successfully accomplished promise already xD

    nuggyyy today i also find out that one smile of yours its all it takes to get me all babada xD (I'm discovering lots of things lately :P)

    sim, já tou a imaginar 6 alunos extremamente aplicados a estudar historia a tarde toda xD

  31. finaly one that you can accomplish :P related with filipe's mom it's probably the first xD

    it is? ohhhh :$ you say those sweet things here and then you're all shy with me :b

    Não são 6, sao só 4, o casal Nuno e Soraia acho que nao vai xD.

  32. probably it is, but its a good start xD

    i cant avoid it, your presence makes me shy :$

  33. makes you shy...hmm :P
    e estudar história, wasn't it great? xD

  34. with you? awesome
    at home? the most boring thing that I've done in ages xD

  35. ohhh aposto que não estudaste assim tanto, se dizes que nem vais tirar 10 --'
    you'll loose our 'bet' weee :P

  36. ohh i wanted my reward --'
    a culpa é da prof. se ela nao fizesse perguntas sobre pessoas manhosas nada disto teria acontecido!

  37. Let's make it both, shall we? xD
    your reward with what you'd have to do if you loose :p i would love that xD

    pessoas manhosas? o Passos Manuel e o Mouzinho da Silveira são manhosos?
    Tu devias saber!! xD

  38. ah bom, so my reward is having to shave my beard xD but i must warn you, you wont like to see me shaved :P

    sao gajos manhosos...piores que a zezinha xD

    e eu sabia quem era o mouzinho :D

  39. and we'll spend an afternoon together xD
    you know i say this things but then i won't force you to do anyting xD

    a zezinha é q é manhosaa, pos-me o intervalo todo à espera dela -.-
    E o Passos Manuel também não sabia, mas inventei alguma coisinha xD.
    A sério, era p tu tirares mais q 10 :/ - i'm failing :x

  40. spending an afternoon with you...i couldnt ask for a better reward than that one xD

    you never fail, its completely my fault, so i was the one who failed :|

  41. and the shaving part? xD

    yes i do, i don't know how to write victim in portuguese --' (i was in a bad day xD).
    you could have copied, no? xD

  42. i'm trying to see if you forget about that xD

    i could, mas nao me apeteceu fazer os copianços :P

  43. uuh too bad, i won't :P

    A dalila hoje deu-nos tempo p fazer os copianços ahahah xD

    I have a question...

  44. damn xD

    a mim deu-me tempo para fazer os tpc de portugues que por acaso a prof. nao apontou...isto só prova que a minha teoria de que ela só aponta quando eu nao faço está certa... --'

    you can ask me whatever you want..

  45. one way or another, i'm gonna see you shaved xD

    eu fiz o meu slogan p espanhol q dps nao disse --'

    you said we needed to have a conversation, the question is, when?

  46. I want so much to have that conversation with you that i cant find a logical explanation to the fact that we still didn't have it...

    i really really ..(you know what i want to say..but i want to say it to you personally in the next oportunity i get..

  47. yeah yeah, i want you to say it personally too.. and the explanation is quite easy, you're shyyy, too shy :P

  48. the explanation i gave you on msn is a lot more sweeter xD but as always you're right..we should have THE conversation days ago..

  49. indeed, it was :).. but it doesn't mean that mine is not correct, 'cause it is xD.
    and then i have another question, but about this one we'll talk later, on msn..

  50. yeahh i'm a shy boy, but a lucky one :)

    sure, i shall do my best to answer :P

  51. oh esquece, acho que já sei - our yesterday conversation? :P
    (i'm kind of slow, today :x)

  52. exactly :)

    deixa lá que eu ontem de tarde tava muito pior --'

  53. estavas? why?
    Acho que não falamos xD

  54. remember spain's 2º day? xD

    and also because i knew i as going to spend the weekend without seeing you :|

    btw nuggy, i want you to know that you can ask me anything and you'll always get an answer...

    hmm já devia tar a dormir a estas horas xD

  55. yes i do remember, you with the zombie mode on xD sleeping in 'casa del hombre' --' and the loud music,so painful xD
    ohh, tomorrow you'll see me, and we'll do some pair work in english class xD (eheheh :P)

    i know i know, you still curious about my question (that is not quite a question)? xD tomorrow i'll talk to you about that too :)

    6 da manhã? -.- you are completely crazy --'

  56. looks like tomorrow is going to be a great day..and we'll have a lot to talk about...

    yeah, i'm crazy about you xD

  57. and today really was a great day :P

  58. ohh i wont forget it, may 10 :) (now i have a record just in case... xD)

  59. oh don't say that, you can't forget about it --'

  60. ofcourse not, how could i forget one of my life's happiest days? :)
    it would be like forgeting my birthday...or yours :P

  61. when is my birthday Sergio? xD
    quase que me esquecia de vir aqui --' , (citando-te - photaçe, 62 comments :O)

  62. september 13 xD i never forget anything related to you :P

    ohhh weekend :(

  63. não esqueces? ahahah bastava eu perguntar "o que é que eu tinha vestido ontem?" que tu não sabias responder xD
    kiding, eu sei que tu fazes o esforço (and it is pretty hard for you xD) para nao te esqueceres das coisas about me :$

    Think positive, weekend - many time to rest :D

  64. plenty of time to rest*
    (fica mto melhor xD)

  65. hmmm, casaco preto, jeans azuis e sapatilhas da nike +- purple

  66. O_o só faltava a camisa e a camisola e sabias tudo xD
    completely surprised xD

  67. its easy to remember since i'm always thinking about you :P

  68. it's nice to have you back here in the blog :D
    i missed ya, and your interestant posts..
    (tinha q dar continuidade a estes comments :b)

  69. with a supporter like you i couldnt keep away very longer xD

  70. what you need to be (more or less) ok: a supporter and a good night of sleep xD

  71. not completly true
    it depends allot on who the supporter is..
